Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Kell surprised me with this today. It got me thinking about love and how unconditional it really is.

You see I work in retail. I have worked a double shift and more hours than I normally do in the past five days.  I haven't been home much and as a mom, it weighs on me.

The guilt of the working Mom. Do I spend enough quality time with my family? Do I know everything that is going on with my kids? Am I "here" enough for them? The questions can be never ending, if I let them.

I let the questions of doubt go and just do the best that I can. I know some days I will fall short and that it will be okay.

That my kids need to see a mom who works, cares for them and their home. A mom who always does her best to put them first. Provide for them. A mom who can balance life.

They also need to see a Mom who can fall short some days. A mom who needs help getting dinner on the table in time. A mom who forgot to sign that form for school. A mom who is just tired sometimes.

A mom who is not perfect but is loved unconditionally anyways.

A mom who needs to give herself a break. Realize that the job she does, as being a mom, is being done for children who love her unconditionally.

That on this day of giving thanks, I have been shown that I have so much to be thankful for and my flaws do not matter to those that love me.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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