Tuesday, November 15, 2016

and "CLICK" that's it...........

Connections are unpredictable. They come out of nowhere and when we least expect it.

I have been fortunate to come across a couple of these connections in my life time. Each of them being unique, meaningful, never the same, and always not what I expected.

People come and go so often throughout our lifetime, we need to pay attention to those that come with the connection. They often bring a lesson, either for them or for ourselves and sometimes both.

Human nature tends to want us to control the outcome of what happens in our lives. Keeping us with the illusion of the belief that we know what is best for us and only us.  It is a humbling experience to realize that sometimes we need help in navigating our own lives. To learn things about ourselves that we couldn't possibly learn any other way. We can also be the voice of reason or inspiration to that connection.

Regardless of what you believe, you can not always simply explain away a connection with someone that you, yourself, didn't see happening.  You do not have to like it or the person that you have been paired with. Believe me I know. I have been there. It is like, why the hell am I in this person's life??  I think you learn the most from them or you are put there for their benefit. Think about that. Anyone come to mind? Now think in the terms of what you have learned from them or they from you.  It doesn't have to always be personal, it can be professional too. Most of the time, they leave your life as quickly as they came into it.

They are unique, special and what you need in that moment of time. 

Sometimes though, you truly enjoy their company and what the connection brings out in both you. They can be meant to stay longer and if your lucky enough, they will be with you always

I know this is a topic I have covered before. I was recently reminded that there are moments in life, if we stop and look with a clear view, we will see, that Yes, we are not meant to live life alone and we do not always know what is best for us. That we can be placed in someone's life to help them and in turn, we can be helping ourselves at the same time.

We can ruin things when we try to control them. Control can bring an end too early and will change the true meaning of what the connection was meant to be. 

A reminder, that when the "CLICK" happens, we simply need, to allow it to be.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~


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