Tuesday, November 8, 2016

I hope......

I used my right to have a say in this election.

I have this right by choice made by others, not by some odd chance.

I voted for what I choose to believe in.

I am not wrong in my choice.

You are not wrong in your choice.

It is a choice.

Regardless of who wins, we will all have to deal with the outcome. 

Someone has to lose and win.

My concern isn't really who wins, but how are we going to deal with the outcome?

A country that is clearly divided already, will this only create further division?

I hope, whatever happens, I hope, it brings us together as a nation.

As you all know by now, I am a person who has hope.

I hope we will be a Great nation. A nation that stands together instead of against one another.

I hope that we do not continue to destroy one another for their choice.

I hope, because any other way, is not by chance but by choice.

A choice made by each American.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~


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