Sunday, November 6, 2016

This one's for you Shawn........


"I'm gonna tell you what I think about you in that unforgivable way I do
You're an idiot
And I hate your guts
I guess I'm about as happy for you as I would be a cockroach in my food
I know it's terrible
I really hate you though

Oh please remember me
Believe in me as someone
Who's never gonna wish you well
Oh please remember me
Believe in me as someone
Who wants you to go to hell"

I was out with my youngest son this afternoon. He found my Lisa Marie Presley CD in the glove compartment. After I explained who she was, he put the CD in.

Yes, his initial reaction was, "Mom!" In my defense, not all her songs on this CD are this negative. I had to explain why I have this CD and why I listen to it. He said that this would be a good post for my blog. Inspiration strikes everywhere. Thank you Shawn. I love being your mom!!!

I bought it out of curiosity many years ago. I liked it. It is a good cd to listen too. I can pick up on her emotions throughout the songs. If I have a bad day with people, I pop this in, go to track #7, and blast it when I am driving or jogging. Since I am being honest, yes I am singing right along with it at the top of my lungs too!! LOL It is a good stress reliever for me.  I am getting all negative thoughts out in a positive way. I feel different about the person and situation when I am done. It is better to get out all the negativity out in a positive way and harm no one. Otherwise we will find ourselves in a worse predicament. Honestly, you know you are thinking what the words in the song are saying anyways. Find a song that you can relate to and let it rip. It is always better to release the negativity in a positive way, before unloading all that negativity in the moment. It is just a moment and we almost always feel different once we get it all out. We are all human, make mistakes and we shouldn't beat ourselves up when we do let it out instead of waiting. This works 95% of the time for me.  When it doesn't, then I need to talk to the person, after I sing it out first!!!

Anyways, this brought out a conversation about people. Fake ones and real ones. How they make us feel. All is good when it is good. When it is bad, it causes us to be hurt. Shawn was saying Fake friends are the worst. I agree. You are in it or your not. Why pretend to like someone? Why pretend to be someone's friend? Especially when you are a teenager. This is the time that you are trying to figure out what kind of person you are going to be. A time when you should be developing your character and personality. A time when you learn who you are. Will  you be fake or real? 

We all want to be liked by our peers. We want to make the connection with like minded people. We want a few to call us friend. Being a teen in today's society is a difficult thing. I remember being me. I am a different person. I try to teach him that it doesn't matter what other's think of him. It matters what he thinks of himself. The right people will like you for who you are, not what you can offer them.

I wish every teen would get that!! If every teen started being themselves and doing the things that they liked doing, regardless if anyone else did, life would be so much easier for them. I get it, I really do understand how hard it is to fit in. To be liked. To be considered different. To be made fun of. My full first name, Jacqueline or around Halloween time, Jack-O-Lantern or Jacky wacky. Did I mention that I wear glasses? Yeah, try being a teen in the 70's. A time when Peace was cool, being a preppy, jock, being free, fighting for rights, and computers was a new concept. Talk about trying to fit in. That may be part of the problem  There are so many things we can do and belong too, that it may be overwhelming for us to decide. We have to try different things to find out where we truly belong or click with.

Shawn can tell you that I tell him this:

Do not have a set image of what your friends should be or look like.
Do the things that you are interested in, for you.
Show kindness. Always.
Accept that not everyone will be real with you. That is on them. NOT YOU!!!! It is not because of you. Believe that.
Do not be afraid to say what is in your heart.
Rejection is a part of life, even for adults.
What other people think and say about you, is none of your business. Seriously it is not.
Someone can like you but not like what you do. Read that one again. Think about it.

Be who you are.

The right people will become your friends.

You will find your path.

It just takes time.

Be patient with yourself.

Be Real.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~ 

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