Monday, February 29, 2016

Where will being Lost take you?

The definition of Lost, according to
1) no longer possessed or retained: lost friends.
2) no longer to be found: lost articles.
3) having gone astray or missed the way; bewildered as to place, direction, etc.: lost children.
4) not used to good purpose, as opportunities, time, or labor; wasted: a lost advantage.
5) being something that someone has failed to win: a lost prize.
6) ending in or attended with defeat: a lost battle.
7) destroyed or ruined:

All are acceptable definitions.
I like #2. No longer to be found.  It's nice to be lost sometimes. Time to be completely alone and not wanting to be found. Time to recharge your batteries so to speak. Discover who you are or want to be. To let go of it all for a short period of time. It can be refreshing and can give us a new outlook, approach to a situation or on life in general.

#3. Have gone astray. Missing the way. Not being able to find our direction in life can be worrisome and cause chaos in our lives. Giving us the feeling of being lost. I find it interesting that we need to feel that we belong to something and need to have a purpose in life in order to feel that we are whole. Think about that for a moment. We weren't intended to live without a purpose. We strive to be more continually. We want that feeling of purpose which in fact brings us completeness in our life. What path we should follow can be certain for a time and give us great satisfaction.

What happens when we no longer get satisfaction from that direction? What do we do to get back on track or how do we go into a new direction when we feel lost? I think we need to explore why we got off track in the first place. If we don't than we can fill the void of being lost with things that do not belong there. They will bring us peace for only a short period of time. The easiest answer would be that we accomplished all that we could with that path and it is time to start on a new path. Most times we know, deep down inside ourselves, what it is that is missing from our lives.  Fear is a master at letting us believe we can not accomplish this or that.  Obligations is another block that stops us. Confrontations hold us back. Letting go is another culprit. How long will you allow obstacles to leave you wandering around lost? What will it take for you to get back on a path meant for you?

#4. Not used to good purpose, as opportunities, time, or labor; wasted. Lost can leave us feeling we are not living up to our full potential.  That can leave us feeling that we are wasting our time and up to no good. It is important not to allow ourselves to stay lost for too long of a time. We can lose our self-esteem and spiral downward. There is nothing wrong with taking different paths until we find the right one for us to be on.  Self-exploration can build qualities and strength within us.

#7. Destroyed or ruined.  Remember that only objects can be destroyed or ruined. Tragedies, feelings, and things will hurt. Sometimes deeply.  Giving us the thought of having been destroyed or ruined. In reality, they are moments that give us courage to become more than we once were. These moments should challenge or change, but never allow them to keep us down for a long period of time.  It is important to take the time to recover and refocus. I am not saying it is easy. I get it. I have dealt with tragedies that left me feeling lost and empty. I know how hard it is to rebuild. To regain the strength to get back up after being knocked down. I also know, that it can be done.

#6. Ending in or attended with defeat: a lost battle I do not take being lost lightly or as a sign of defeat. Rather, an ending that leads to a new beginning. It is a sign of  needing to change and accepting a new challenge that will bring a new path to travel.

How will you allow being LOST define you?

Until next time,
It is what it is

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