Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Love is......

What does Love mean to you? Total unconditional Love. Give it some thought before you answer. It should not only be based on how you feel. I think emotions get in the way of love. Being in love does cause us to respond with a lot of emotions. The newness is always amazing. Finding out what you have in common, likes n dislikes, the need to see each other every possible moment, holding hands, always having that contact.  But what happens when the excitement wears off? What does True Love feel like?

Honest- Couples should be able to call each other out, any topic, no exceptions. If the love of your life can not hold you accountable, force you to see what you need to, and keep it real, than what are you doing with them?

Trusting- I mean total 100 percent trust. Worst thought, weakest moment, afraid of the dark, yeah they need to know this stuff.  Being able to say anything, show any emotion, and trust them enough to catch you when you fall.

Personality- WE all have quirks. We may use a word way to often. Chew loudly. Squeeze the toothpaste in the middle.  Get wickedly excited at a drop of a hat. Whatever it is, they will accept it.

Ethics-   Morals. What is your tolerance line? What do you believe in? Do not, I repeat, Do not compromise on what you believe in. True love will not allow it.

Self-Esteem- They should always, always, make you feel that you are the best that you can be. As you do the same for them.  Allowing each other to always reach full potential and giving the emotional support, unconditionally, goes with that.

Patience- Giving unconditional love and support can be repetitive. Actions are important. Showing unwavering support is crucial. Especially when you do not agree with what they are doing.

Teamwork- You. Me. We are a team. I lift you up when your down and you do the same for me. Always encouraging. We celebrate together. We embrace the sorrows together. We allow each other to grow. We allow each other to be who we are separately, so we can be stronger together. We have each others backs always.

Kindness- Doing things just because. Not keeping track of whose turn it is to do the dishes. Knowing when to give space and when a pint of ice cream is needed.

Forgiveness- Should be given easily. Forgetting and realizing that we are human. We are not perfect and should not place expectations unrealistically.

Fun!! Enjoy each other. Keep dating, laughing, dancing, and experience new things together.

BUT WE do not expect each other to complete us. Not one person should bare that responsibility alone. Know the difference. Balance is needed. Understand that we are a single person and we should never expect one person to complete us. That is a lot of pressure to put on one person. Think instead, my life is now complete with you in it.

Love is work, constantly. There was a spark or a connection that brought you together.  Two people come together and share an amazing love that allows each to be the best that they can possibly be. It should never make you feel that you have to compromise who you are, change what you are or anything but make you feel you are the best there is. Because you are!!!

Until next time,
It is what it is

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