Friday, February 26, 2016

What do you see?

I worked out this evening and then went to the grocery store. I used to work at this store, so I know quite a few people that work there.  I just wanted to grab a few things, mainly for breakfast in the morning, and be out quickly. I had just finished working out and I know I was not a site for sore eyes!!  I ran into three people I knew and it took them a minute or so to realize who I was. We all look different outside of work, in normal clothes, and not in a uniform.

Anyways, as I spoke with each of them, a thought came to my mind about how we only see what we want to see. We see ourselves a certain way. Kids see parents as just that, mom n dad, not as individuals or a married couple. Grandparents as these older versions of our own parents, except they are more fun.

Perceptions are completely up to the individual. We see what we want to see for many reasons. It could be that we do not want to over extend ourselves. We feel that we will not be able to make a difference.  We are afraid of our own feelings. Unfortunately for some of us, we are too self absorbed to even notice the person we are interacting with. 
Think about how much we miss out on when we perceive things from only our view point. I might see the same thing as you, but if we are to narrow minded to be open to other interpretations than how much are we missing out on?
I have changed physically and have grown emotionally. I had to change my perspective on life. When I run into someone I haven't seen in a long time, they see the physical changes but not necessarily the internal changes I have gone through. They see a Jackie who has changed her outward appearance but do they see the internal change? I doubt it. (with the exception of my inna circle) I am basically still me. I just tweaked myself in small ways. BUT I am a person who does not share every internal issue. I am strong enough to handle almost anything. I tend to break when I am over burdened and forget how to ask for help. True enough statement for anyone, I am sure.
I changed because I thought, as each compliment I received, that these people are seeing what I cannot see. What my perception did not allow me to see. What else am I not seeing? I think that we get so focused on a perception, that we do not always see the bigger picture. Are we noticing that when we are talking with a friend, what they are not saying? Do we notice the calmness around us when we are in the middle of the chaos? Can we see the end during the battle? Do we see the beauty in the ordinary? How many opportunities are we missing out on due to our perception?
I ask you to think about your perception. Are you too focused on the goal and are missing out on the journey itself? Too focused on doing what's right, that your missing out on what's meant to be? Can you see the pain behind the happy eyes? Do you see the sunshine on a rainy day? Ok that one was corny but you get where I am going with this, right?
Think about how freeing it must be to see life from more than one perspective. I dare you to view things from a new perspective and promise you, that you will be free!!!!
Until next time,
It is what it is

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