Monday, February 8, 2016


I have random thoughts. Some thoughts strike with a passion that brings a message for no one in particular, I just need to express the thought. I was at the bus stop waiting for my daughter to get home from school today. The word waiting kept jumping into my thoughts today. I do not believe that things just happen without meaning, so today's musing is about waiting. I hope you enjoy, even if it does not directly apply to you.
Sometimes waiting is good to experience. Waiting for good news, knowledge, promotions, contests, people visiting, and things like that. Then there is bad waiting. Waiting for someone to change, to push yourself to get that promotion, letting go of a bad habit, for the fear of change itself, entering into your non-comfort zone, and waiting for that sign. See the thing is to know the difference. To seek wisdom if your not sure what the difference is. Who in your circle is able to give you advice with genuine honesty and objectively?

Waiting changes people. Change is going to happen. It is a constant that you can count on in life.  People do not generally change themselves to please anotha person (unless they are playing you). A person going through an uncertain time, becomes different during that time and will change once they figure out why they are struggling. That will change them. They essentially are the same person but sometimes they become better for them and not the person before when you first met.  Ask yourself if you truly will be able to accept them for who they become once this happens. Life changes people in itself. Life throws circumstances at us, at an incredible rate, that sometimes leaves us no choice but to change. Ageing happens each year to all of us, but that does not mean we all mature at the same pace or in the same way.

Waiting can destroy your career.  Working hard and waiting for a promotion, that you know will come, is good waiting. Being passed ova for a promotion again and again is not a good waiting. Take a view from yourself on the outside and really look hard at what you see. Can you be objective and honest enough, if not seek that person in your circle for advice.  Not all bosses are nice enough to be really honest for they do not want to hurt your feelings. If they are telling you that you need to work on such n such and have with no promotion, your getting the run around. If you have not been listening to your boss and haven't truly tried doing what they suggest, then it's time to start doing it.  Life has a way of pushing you into a different direction regardless if you want to go into it. A promotion may not being coming your way cause you are not meant for it to happen. Take time to really think on this. Seek advice and discover what you are truly meant to do. Maybe it is not about you this time, it could be your partners (in life) time to grow career wise and you need to step back for a bit. Life is not always just about you, especially if your in a committed relationship.  It could be anotha position that you are better suited for.  Just be sure your not running into a new position to get out of the old one, that could be the worse mistake of  your career and leave you miserable!!!

Waiting can destroy your hopes and dreams. Waiting for your life's plan to take place without action is not good waiting. Believing that fate will bring things to you, is true, but once it has will you be able to recognize it?  If it's love your seeking, will you see it when it's in front of you? Love does not always come wrapped with a nice big red bow on it!! It could be the person that drives you insane or enjoys driving you insane. It is not always love at first sight. If your waiting to be conked ova the head with hearts in your eyes, it doesn't happen that way for everyone. Get off the couch and put yourself out there. I will say this though, be very clear in declaring your intentions, people do not always see the subtle ways you may be communicating how true your feelings are for them. Make it clear!!! Saving for a house, but still get take out, buying things you do not really need? Yeah, you do not want that house bad enough. Waiting for your bank account to grow means making sacrifices daily. How much do want that new house, car, wardrobe or whateva it is your saving for? Sacrifices need to be made in anything worth having. Remember that.

Anything is obtainable. You have to decide if it's worth the wait. So which do you choose?
Until next time,
It is what it is

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