Saturday, February 6, 2016

......9 months and I will be 50!!!

I decided to join Burn Boot Camp in January. I felt I needed to make my body stronger and while doing so I will drop those last few pounds that I should. I have received comments but I don't see it.  I dislike taking pictures of myself so much, for many reasons, but that is for anotha time. Matt, my son, took the photo for me.

This got me thinking about a lot of things, but mainly that in 9 months I will be half a century old, God willing. I am starting to feel really good in my body. My stamina is growing, I can do push ups, I feel stronger with each work out, and I am finally getting it. Like a fine wine is better with age, I  too am only getting better.

50 years of living on this earth. Wow. When my friends and family members reached this milestone, I had a different perspective. That is a lot of time to discover who you are. As I get older I think about where I have been and where I want to go. I get why people make a bucket list. There is so much to see and do in this world. There are moments to be made and shared. I think we all get caught up with the day to day needs of living. Taking care of a family is a 247 job in itself, career's are really more than 40 hours a week, and what time we do have left, we try to make a life with. That doesn't seem to be much time left over to do much with.

When we are young, we cannot wait to grow up and be an adult. As a young adult we think we have it all figured out. Then middle age hits and we discover we still haven't even touched the surface of life yet. We are too busy trying to make a living to survive, that many us of forget to bring balance to our lives. We forget to do those things that refresh us. Those moments that brings joy down deep into our souls. Pure happiness.

Think about that for a minute. As teenagers we went to school for about 6 hours a day. We couldn't wait to get home and play. For me, it was outside with the neighborhood kids. Played until the street lights came on. Once we did get home we were exhausted and slept soundly. Today's kids are missing out on that. Most of all them, if not all, play video games. These kids will be our future. What are we really teaching them about life? Do we remember to teach them balance? How do we set the example?  When was the last time you came home from work and played until you were exhausted? Why do we wait for that day off or the weekend?  I get it. Someone has to make dinnah, clean up, homework and prepare for the next day.

We all need to make playing a priority like we do with making a career and family. Playing outside allowed us to be creative and our imaginations grew. There is so much joy in doing that. I believe it gave us the power to become better kids than today. We need to be the strongest version of us in order to set the example and balance life. However it is that makes us the strongest version of us is what we need to do. As kids it was playing, as young adults it was making that career and family. I believe middle age is for finding that balance in life. Making time to enjoy the career path we are on and leaving it at work before we get home. Once we are at home, we need to realize that taking care of our kids, family or us, also means to balance life with moments of joy.

I am not so much freaking out about turning 50 anymore. I am becoming the strongest version of myself more and more each day. I am bringing back my imagination in a kid like fashion. I am putting my energy into playtime.

How will you become the best verison of you?

Until next time,
It is what it is....

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