Sunday, February 21, 2016

Do you have what it takes?

Unconditional love. Unwavering loyalty. A well of forgiveness. Non-judgmental mindset. 100% Acceptance. Selfless. These are the things it takes to have a real friendship. Any relationship really.

It always amazes me how people can be so loving, and have your back one minute and the next they are treating you like your the plague. They push you to a point of hatred where there once was love. Or did they ever truly love you to begin with? Was it real or fake from the get go?

It seems like almost everyone has their own personal agenda these days. They are self serving and care only about themselves. Any relationship is great in the beginning. It's exciting to find out things that you have in common and feel that unique connection with someone. I think it cements us in a deeper personal connection and that brings us a sense of comfort. But it also puts us at risk of getting hurt. We open our hearts and let them in leaving us vulnerable.

There are two types of people in this world when it comes to being friends, in my opinion. The fake and the real. The fake will take what they need from you and move on with no regard how it affects you. There is no real emotional investment made by them. They spent their time with you, possibly enjoyed it, but when it no longer suits them, they just move on and you are replaced easily. The moments that you think you shared with them are only stories and didn't mean the same for them. They have no capacity of truly loving anotha person more than they love themselves. The calls are less, they say they are busy, and the once shared important need of your opinion on is no more.  The best excuse is, I am a lousy friend and I have no time. They often leave you wondering what the hell did you do to deserve this? They are cowards. They can't face the fact of who they are and just walk away. What they do not realize is that we put time and invested ourselves into them.  A simple explanation at the end would be so much better than the lies or excuses. It's easier to understand honesty than play the game. Why don't they realize this? There was chat with a friend that started, "I think I have depended on you way too much" The friendship changed, but it was totally understood. It was sad but no anger for there was understanding.  How can you hate someone for being honest with you?

The Real friend will be honest with you, no mattah how uncomfortable it makes them. The moments that you share with this friend, are just that moments. They have meaning for the both of you. They make time for you. They will put you first to hang with you every now and again. They continually want to make more memories with you. More special moments. There is the, "hey I am busy this week but next week I am open" mindset with a real friend. Yes they sometimes do get caught up in their day to day routine and do get busy. It is when they have that 2 minute window they will reach out to you. It isn't a chore or a hassle to make time but a necessity that makes them all the more real.

I see it happening more and more with people I know, "I don't know what happened. We did everything togetha and bam they won't return my texts anymore."  I have given emotional support to friends and it saddens me each time. In a world where there are more ways to stay in touch with friends, it seems that friends have become more unloving, uncaring, unforgiving, and most self-centered than eva.

I ask you out of kindness, before making that friendship for your own personal needs only, think twice if you have a heart. I am tired of trying to explain assholes like you to kind, loving and who deserve so much more than what you have to offer friend that I do love n care about.

It is not that hard to be a real friend. Do you have what it takes to be a real friend?

Until next time,
It is what it is.....


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