Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The invisible thread that connects us all

Today has been one of "those" days where everything goes awry. I am a baker. I kept dropping stuff. Pans, trays, and I even spilled a bowl of melted buttah!! Burned my arm, again. Added too much water to a batch of bread. I neva thought today would end!!!

Childhood memories of my mother kept popping in my head today. She always had an "old wives tale" or some superstition for practically everything that happened. I am not sure if it was due to the era she grew up in, or if it was just what she believes.  If we spilled salt, we had to throw some over our right shoulder. If we kept dropping something, that meant someone had to tell us something. When you walked into a new building, walk in with your right foot. You get the idea.

Anyways, it got me thinking about connections. How sometimes we get that feeling that someone looks familiar or we could be almost 100 % positive that we have met them before, even though we have not. We can be somewhere we have neva been and everything feels like you have been there before. That deja vu feeling. It reminded me of the Red Thread of Fate.

Ever meet someone and instantly feel like you have known them for years? Sometimes we meet someone and are able to share everything with an ease that is comforting. You don't have to pretend to be somebody your not. There is an immediate acceptance between the two of you. They offer a comfort, a completeness, or a sense of, I belong with this person in some capacity, friends, lovers, or whateva it may be, you just know.

If you believe in God, the universe, Darwin's Theory, or some form of a higher power that put us on this earth, the Red Thread of Fate is an interesting belief. Think about the circumstances that brought people into your life ova the years. We make decisions without even thinking about them sometimes. I was running late, needed to get gas, stopped at this station, I neva stop at, and look who I ran into!! I wanted a cup of coffee and decided to go into this café, that I always wanted to try, and that's how we met. A lot of friendships are formed at the workplace, volunteering, weekly visits to the library or gym. Sometimes we meet a new co-worker, workout buddy, neighbor, or whomeva it may be, and there is this instant connection that is not the same with others.

Think about how you met someone and they changed your life. How you changed them. Do you really think that was just a coincidence? That you met them at the exact moment you/they needed to?

Currently there are about a trillion or so people living on this earth. I think it is comforting to know we were created not to be alone.

Until next time,
It is what it is

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