Tuesday, February 2, 2016

 I was in a movie mood tonight.  I decided on The Bee Movie. If you haven't seen it you need to. I love this movie for many reasons, there are great actors, the animation, and the comedy just to name a few.

Tonight as I watch this movie, all 4 of my kids can quote this movie line by line btw,  I was inspired with a few thoughts and I would like to share them with you.  Normally I would post them on FB and be done with it.  A friend has commented on these musings, if you will,  that I should start a blog. So here it goes. Thanks Sam!!

I like how the beginning of the movie quotes on how the Bee should not be able to fly according to humans. Wing span, shape of body and so on. It ends with, "Bees do not care what humans think"

This movie is about how one person believes in something and stops at nothing to allow his voice to be heard.  We all deserve a chance to discover who we are and what we are capable of.

                                 "Why does his life have any less value than yours?"

Think about that for a minute.  How many times do we stop before we deliver a message or try something new that we are passionate about?

What if you did not care what other humans thought? What if you went against the grain? What if you did what all thought that you could not do? What if you had the unconditional love and support behind you when it mattered? What if you were meant to give the unconditional love and support to someone?

Barry, the bee, took a chance and discovered that what he wanted ended up hurting everyone. Luckily for Barry, this did not stop his family and friends from supporting him. He realized his mistake, made it right with some modifications. Happy Ending.

I feel that today a lot of people do not take the chance anymore. They do not want to get involved. They will support you with the least path of resistance. Ready to tell you of your failings. Some even make fun of the whole thing and will not let you forget it. If it does not directly affect them, then they will not give you the time of day. They may even say, "I wish I had the courage to do what your doing" and offer nothing more. They will not disrupt their comfort zone. Have you ever said, I should do this, or try that and didn't because you did not want to leave your comfort zone? We had protests in the 1960's and 1970's because people felt their voices needed and should be heard, regardless of the consequences. People gave power to each other. It was a right to do so. They joined together and tried their best to fight the cause with passion. What happened to that belief? Why have we become so complacent with our own well being? It doesn't have to be something so major or world changing.  It could be something as simple as trying something new, reaching out to someone, changing ourselves on the inside or whatever it is that your passionate about Something that takes you out of your comfort zone. Truly supporting someone who is doing something you may not have an opinion about but believe in them to do so.

I have seen this movie for what seems like a million times and tonight it has inspired me to start this blog. The thing is we will never know what will inspire us to do something.  We just need to be open to it when the passion strikes and willing to take the step out of our own comfort zones. What are you passionate about? What will take you out of your comfort zone? When will you truly start living life with the passion that is hidden inside you?

Until next time,
It is what it is and  I am who I am


  1. I am so proud to call you my friend. You are an example to all of us. Much love
