Thursday, February 1, 2018

Count to 10 and move on.....

Karma. Karma. Karma.

I am not a vindictive person, by any means, at all. I am not perfect either. I may cast a threat, in a heated state of mind. I always regret it, usually immediately too. Never carry through with it. I cool down and feel horrible by my actions, sincerely and humbly apologize, hope we can get past it, and move on.

My realness as a person, I forget that some people are NOT like me, at all. That for some, they are truly vindictive. That their thinking is not something I could ever truly understand.

I no longer react, in the heat of the moment. I wait it out. Analyze it and then react to it, if it warrants a reaction.

But there are situations that just make me count to 10 and say, "I do not deserve this. They will get it back, ten fold." Then I walk away.

I am a very strong person. I can let a lot fly by. I realized that, for some people, they are not where I am. Immaturity, hate for others, jealousy, and who really knows why some people are the way they are. But I do not have to worry about them. Just me.

So, let them hate the world, feel wronged, or however they think, and worry about You.

Build your world with kind people. When you come across a bad apple, look at it as a reminder of who you are, what you have and if you have to....

Count to 10, remember that Karma has a way of balancing the scales and move on.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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