Monday, February 5, 2018

Give me your time or do not call me your friend.....

As I am trying to gather my thoughts about this post, a friend is texting me. A friend who has grown so much this past year, with great news. I am so proud of them.

I am not sure I would use the term best friend to describe friends but I liked the meaning of this picture. I  think we have friends that come into our lives for different reasons. I am certain I have posted about friendships before and how I feel we need a village of friends to get us through our lives.

 It is important to make time for those friends we hold in high regards or close to our hearts. We shouldn't take them for granted. There are so many ways to stay in touch these days, that it sends a clear message when you don't.

Keep an open dialog with them. I can't tell you how often I have had personal and meaningful chats via text. Always state how you feel, so there are no misunderstandings. It doesn't matter how often you talk, it is what's talked about, that matters.

There seems to be trust issues amongst friends these days and that is just sad. The bigger issue is, allowing ourselves to become vulnerable with them. Everybody ughly cries, has a dark side, and will do things that are unthinkable. Does that make them less trustworthy or not worth having as a friend? NO!!!

Bottom line here is this, if you value someone, think of someone to be trustworthy, know they have your best interests at heart, and respect them, then they are your tribe. Period.

Don't lose them. They are hard to find these days but easier to hold on too.

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

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