Saturday, January 27, 2018

It's Saturday night and I am taking a bath.....

Back in November I was involved in a car accident. I was injured. Not life threatening but injured

So, after 2 months being on steroids my doc decided physical therapy was the next chance for me to get back to being me.

I go to therapy, do my homework, and now I am being told that I need to get my muscles, deep inside, to relax more. In addition to my homework, which consists of smaller exercises that I do at the rehab place, I now have to take a bath in pink Himalayan mineral salt and essential oils. My therapist explains to me about the importance of magnesium is to our bodies and the healing process. Blah blah my mind starts to drift off.....

I already make time to do these home exercises. When am I going to take a 20 minute bath?  I take 8 minute showers daily. (My kids timed me once) I start running through this weeks to-do-list and try to figure out when I can actually do this.

Then it hits me. If it were one of my kids or someone I cared deeply for, I would make sure they did it. So, I will just add it to my list.

Fast forward to tonight. I am in my prescribed bath, trying to relax, deeply. My mind wonders. Why do we put ourselves last?  Why do we let "things" get in our way? Why does it take something big to happen in our lives, to make us focus on what needs our attention? Why?

I don't have an answer but I do know it is why I am taking a bath on Saturday Night and relaxing deeply.

And perhaps it is as simple as that. We need the big moments to stop us in our tracks, in order to make us pause.

Otherwise, we wouldn't.

Until next time,
~It is what it is ~

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