Saturday, February 10, 2018

Carpal Tunnel or Broken & Bruised Bones?????

"Today's Generation Will Shape Our Future"

Last night's dinner conversation was about "Generations". I don't remember exactly what the topic we were discussing but my 14 year old stated, clearly, "It's the way my generation is." My 21 yr old and 19 yr old, gave looks, got extremely uncomfortable, as they knew the words that their younger brother spoke, were as dangerous as being left in a burning building, with no way out!.

You see, I have developed an open relationship with all my kids. Any and all topics get discussed at the dinner table. It started with the notion of, all us are here, together, let's all go around the table and talk about our day. Even when we have company over for the meal. Topics from, politics, religion, sex, relationships, society, you name it, we cover it. Nothing is off limits. The goal was to get my kids talking in a comfortable format. Teach them, how we all have different opinions and thoughts. How to hold an intelligent discussion with people, while breaking bread, and learn to be accepting of others opinion's while maintaining your own thoughts and belief's.

The conversation started with me asking my son why his answer was acceptable for him to say? My generation never referred, to my parents thoughts or ways, as being generational. My parents just didn't' get what I was going through at the time, because they were old. Hey, I was a kid. It seems, by using the, "My generation" is just a blatant excuse, he was not willing to see that he was blaming the differences in our generations, for the reason of my not understanding.

I pointed out that, it was previous "Generations" that invented the internet, that he relies way too much on today. That when we had video games, it was used for entertainment last. That we still played outside most of the time. We played board games or created games. That we could entertain ourselves, by ourselves, because we had no other choice but to be creative. That we read books with may different genres.

But, I am not posting this to be long winded. My son, had some valid points that he made. There are many good things about the invention of the internet. There is also a major loss. I asked him, other than improving upon an invention that was already invented, what else will his, "generation", invent?

If the generation that played outside, invented the internet that brought all of us inside, what will his generation invent, that will combine both worlds, to bring balance to ones life?

What invention could he think of that would allow, all of us to find the balance that we all need?

What invention could he invent, that would be generational-less?

That would break the barrier of, Generations altogether?

How cool would it be to think of our parents as a well of experience and a fountain of information, instead of being old or so last generation?

Do that and maybe he would have invented a balance of life that make his kids know playing outside with creativity and the knowledge of creativity that the internet world brings.

A balance between the generation that had bruises and broken bones when they played, not carpal tunnel.

Why? Because maybe then we would have a society that showed respect, tolerance, acceptance and kindness.

That's Why.

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

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