Monday, February 19, 2018

Stay High and Numb........

I was driving home last night and this song came on the radio. I thought how appropriate!!!!

The past 3 months, I have been offered anything I wanted to get for pain management. I am constantly saying NO! I did agree to a very mild muscle relaxer (which I only take half a pill on the extreme bad days) a very pumped up aspirin, steroids, and that's it. I want a cure, not a pill to mask the problem.

I grew up in the late 60's & 70's.  My parents are not into medication to get better. I suppose I get it from them. I can handle pain, we all can. I believe it is how we are taught about how to handle the pain, is how we develop what our bodies can handle and are able to discover what the problem is. Believe me, I was a tom-boy as kid. I climbed trees, cut the grass, chopped wood, anything outdoors and I would be there. I also had a few accidents along the way. Broken bones, stitches, scrapes, and bad bruises. The only time I got something for the pain was when I went to the hospital, which wasn't often.

I may have a higher tolerance than others. My kids see me at my worse and are baffled as to why I go to work.  They also know that if they have a head cold, sniffles, or something minor, they are going to tough it out. I go old school. Boil water with lemon and ginger. Ma's tea. Add organic honey, bought from a local dealer, when cooled. Warm/Hot bath when a fever strikes, with ibuprofen, if needed.

You can't be tough, if you do not let your body and mind know what pain is. The body was created to heal itself. Think about that for a minute. What does the doctor really do for you? They set broken bones, give stitches, remove body parts, clean up infections, and other things I am sure. But it is the body that heals itself, not the doctor or the medication. They are just the tools to heal the body.

I grew up with one family doctor that saw each member of my family. If he couldn't solve the problem we went to the hospital because it was serious!!!!

But somewhere along the way, someone, somewhere decided that we need medication to get through the day and needed to see a slew of doctors to get healed. And if that doesn't work, we can give you the pill that will cause your body to grow dependent upon, and it will keep you coming back to me, with no real cure insight, ever.

They get money in their pockets, while we become broke paying for the medication, while becoming addicted to the medication that was going to make me feel better, not heal my body.

Yeah, sounds about right for today's society...........................

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

**I do not own the rights to this song.
    I am not talking about chronic pain or people with life threatening aliments.

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