Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Ugh, Mom!!!!!

We were trying to have a chill night at my house this evening. No activities going on, it's been a rainy day, and we had a hearty beef stew for dinner.  All was good except for my daughter, she was in a mood.

One sister and three brothers. I am the witness to all that goes on between them. Tonight, they kept asking her if she was ok? Yeah. 10 minutes later, "You sure your ok?" Yes! 10 minutes later, "You don't seem ok, are you ok?" YES!!!

I get the looks from both of them. The "Mom what is her problem!! Look" The, "Mom are you going to let her talk to me like that, I was just asking. Look" Then the, "Mom, why can't they just leave me alone?!! Look."

My daughter is tired. Being tired she wants to be left alone. Her brothers can't stand that she is not in a good mood and think that they are being helpful by showing concern for her.

I know this is how she gets. She has had a busy weekend, week, and the weather doesn't help with her Scoliosis. This has happened before and they should know by now, but when do siblings learn???

I can remember a few annoying moments with my sister's growing up. I can laugh at them now but got really irritated back then.

What they all do not realize is, how lucky they are to have each other now.

Lives are changing daily, as they all are going their different ways. Phone calls, e-mails, texts, and skyping will be their form of communication during these next few years as they all grow up.

When they do get settled into their adult lives and get together for visits. The stories will be rehashed and exaggerated.

Laughter and love will be evident by the bond that they share.

As it is for siblings anywhere. A bond built on, love and annoyance.

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

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