Thursday, September 15, 2016

You are not wearing that!!!!!!!!

Sometimes you can get so caught up in what other's think and say about you.

Doing this will lead you to place your self-esteem and self-confidence in the hands of other people and not your own.

Your opinion of you should be the only one that concerns you.  Never give someone that kind of power over you.

I am reminded of this every time my daughter mismatches her outfits. I used to make her change. Then one day I noticed that she was confident in her style. In her self. I realized, that by me asking her to change, I was telling her that what she liked wasn't good enough for me. In that moment I stopped. One time she asked me if what she had on was ok? I told her if it's fine for her, then it is fine with me.

I can't send a message of being an independent woman one minute and then make her second guess herself the next.

I can teach her values, morals, and kindness.

I can show her, by allowing her to be her, self-esteem and self-confidence.

And if people talk about her, well, that's their problem, isn't it?

It is okay to seek other's opinions. Make sure that is all your doing.

My daughter certainly does her own thing.

How about you??

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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