Sunday, September 4, 2016

How many times is the last time?????

That is what it is all about, isn't? Showing the ones we love everything we have and then hope that they can handle it.

We want them to see the darkness we have and not jump ship. We want them to stick it out. Stay with us. Prove to us they truly have our backs. Thick and Thin. Nothing we can possibly do will ever make them leave us.

So, if we all seek this acceptance from another, then why is it so hard to forgive someone when they cross the line of what we think is enough?

How many times can you forgive someone?

The Bible says each and every time they seek forgiveness.

Buddhists see forgiveness as an important method, along with meditation, of achieving inner peace and right thinking.

This is the law of Karma, which is Sanskrit for "Comeback." "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."

Forgiveness is the easy part I think. We can forgive someone for their injustice against us. We can let go of what they did, if they are sincere about it.

It is about love. How much do I love this person will determine if I keep them in my life. Yes it is that simple. Real love allows us to continue to love them with the same passion before their needing our forgiveness. (I am not talking abusive behavior here in any form)

Real love will cast out any issues that cause us not wanting to forgive. Honesty will allow us to build the relationship back to where it needs to be.  Understanding we all have flaws, will allow us to let it go.

We all have been disappointed, let down, pushed, tested, and whatever you can think of, when it comes to the ones we love.

We need to realize that we can't judge someone. Nope. Not. Anyone. Last time I checked, not one single person on this earth is perfect.

We need to be sure our actions didn't bring the injustice out.

We know in our hearts if the love we share is real. Real love is genuine, hard and so worth it.

Think twice, three times or how ever many times it takes before you jump ship. People tend to give up when it becomes difficult. There are not too many things in this world that come easy that are truly worth it. There is a reason for that.....

"Anything worth having, is worth fighting for."

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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