Monday, September 26, 2016

So why not here????????

I have been asked if a post was about them personally. Ummm....maybe? Not in a I need to tell you this kinda way. This is not a blog to use as a shield. There are no under lying messages being sent through my blog. I am direct. I have an issue with you, I will tell you.

I post because something strikes me. Someone could benefit from it. It does not not mean I am going through something either.

I believe in me. I believe in you. I believe that sometimes you need to hear something when you are ready to hear it. Not "you" in a personal sense, in a general sense.

If you do not get anything from this blog, no worries.

Life is way too short to worry about who likes this or who doesn't.

If I can bring a smile, snarky or not, to one single person, than I can live with that.

If I spent my life worrying about the haters or pleasing everyone, than I wouldn't be me.

Believe me when I say, I don't like me when I am not me, and you wouldn't either. I know this for a fact because I have been lost. I am no different from you. I just vocalize what you may be thinking.

Do what makes you happy.

Chances are someone, somewhere, will benefit from it.

One random act of kindness has to start somewhere, so why not here?

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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