Sunday, September 18, 2016

We can only watch with love.....

Love and relationships talk about a landslide of emotions.  It is very personal indeed, yet we all seem to be experts or know nothing about it at all.  We first learn about love from our parents or the people who raise us.

Ever wonder why Love can be so very beautiful and so very painful at the same time? It is all subjective to our feelings and what we know to be true but only for us. 

I don't think we ever should say, if you love me you will do this for me or anything to that affect.

We forget that love is free. We cannot demand it. That is it's beauty. The pain comes when we try to control it or try to shape it into what we deem what is best.

Any parent knows this to be true. We give our children an unconditional love.  We want what we think is best for them. We do for the most part. It is painful for a parent to allow their children to make their own choices and see them fail. We want to protect and save them from any and all harm that this life can bring to them.

I think it is because we, as parents, have ourselves learned what the value of love is and the cost. We do not want our children or the ones we love going through the pain it can bring. We want them to learn from our mistakes and also not make the same ones. But that is not really loving someone freely, is it? They have to learn just as we did. We need to give the wisdom that we have obtained over the years and love them enough to allow them to learn, grow and become wise themselves.

The art of letting go is a hard one to master. One that our loved ones want us to do so easily. So we have to learn to allow the landslides to happen. We can only watch. Be there to offer our wisdom through guidance only. We do let go. If they fall we can just offer our love as comfort.

Love is free and should never come with a price, even when it costs us dearly.

I want to be able to look back on my life and be able to see clearly the love that I have shown to others, never came at a price but given freely.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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