Sunday, September 25, 2016

What are you eating????????????

Read it again. Think about it.

What do you think is stronger, the heart or mind? Which one is easier to satisfy? To fulfill?  To soothe?

The mind is easier to feed.  The heart, well, that is where all of our emotions are kept.

Where the true hunger begins.

What do you feed your heart? We need to be careful when we feed it. What our state of mind is in. What state our emotions are in. The heart is simple and knows what it wants. It wants to be fed.

If you can't figure out what to feed your heart, you will start feeding it with anything. The heart will not be able to determine what is a lie. The heart wants to be loved, respected, validated, and fulfilled to a point of constant contentment.

The heart will lead you to love. What if the heart is so hungry for love, that it will leap based on emotions only? It will respond to another heart that is offering it love. That love can be given with a price.

A hungry heart will accept the love given to it even if there is no respect given. No trust. No kindness. No friendship. Will believe all the excuses given. 

Will believe all the lies it is fed.

Will believe this is what love is.

Will never know what it deserves.

It starts with the mind.

Feed your mind with the respect, love, and kindness you deserve.

Teach your mind to hear the truth, even when it hurts.

Feed your mind with all the good that you deserve and the heart will believe.

A heart fed with love, kindness and respect, will be a heart well fed and fulfilled to a constant contentment.

The heart will be able to hear a lie and refuse it.

Feed your heart well and it will learn to only accept the truth when it is hungry.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~


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