Monday, September 5, 2016

Angry Birds and Behind Blue Eyes Who knew...........

I watched Angry Birds last week. The movie stayed with me. I couldn't put aside until I heard this song. Then it just clicked with me. This is the story that was building inside me this past week.

Red is the Angry Bird. He has reason's for being Angry. Valid ones at that. We can all relate to anger. For some of us, anger can consume us. We can't seem to let it go. Anger just moves in and becomes us. Turns us into something we can no longer control.

Someone once told me that depression is anger turned inward. When we can't let go of the anger, it turns us against us. We become angry about everything all the time. We can't explain it to anyone and no one cares to be around us anymore either. A bad catch 22.

When one bad event happens, we can brush it off. But what about when it is one thing after another? How do we keep it together? How can we be expected to just roll with it?

You have become the Bad Man Behind Blue Eyes and hated or at least, disliked.

Now your An Angry Bird, like RED. You feel that anything you attempt turns sour, gets messed up, and your intentions are not what you had intended them to be. So why try any more then?

In the movie, Red does end up with a support system who sees behind his Anger and bonds are formed. Red becomes less angry and life gets better for him.

That is a movie though. Can it happen in real life?

I am going to tell you that life happens in cycles. Good ones and Bad ones. From personal experience, when you hold onto anger for one thing, and another, and another, you will blow up at one situation and once that flood gate is opened, you cannot stop it. Trust me. You will let all this anger flow out of you and you can only watch it like an outer body experience but it is actually happening in the here and now. The damage is being done, as you watch in horror. Oddly enough you will feel relieved to have let all this anger out. Like a weight has been lifted and you have been freed.

I am going to tell you to speak up for yourself. I will tell you to continue to believe in yourself. I will tell you to be vocal in the moment. I will tell you to learn how to say, NO,  loud n clear, and it is okay to do so.

I am going to tell you, that you control you. You have a voice worth hearing. And yes bad things happen in life. That does not mean you deserved them to happen to you!!! Bad things are just bad things, just like good things are good things. You did nothing to make it happen to you. I repeat,


They are random. If you do not accept your Angry Bird side and let it go, you most definitely will become somebody who is not you. Nobody will get the chance to love you. Know you. Experience life through your eyes. Hear the song in your voice. The beauty that lies within you.

You cannot possibly know what your pushing out of your life and who you are not keeping in because of your anger.

Do not let the Red Angry Bird inside you allow you to become the Bad Man Behind Blue Eyes.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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