Thursday, March 1, 2018

We all have a wolf inside us....

Conversation with my son:

Me-How was work?
Him-Good. I helped out a customer today and they were so appreciative! He was in a wheel chair. I asked him if he needed help. He said Yes! My son helped him. He also walked him out the car and assisted him into his vehicle. The gentleman stated,"You were the only one who actually helped me today. I had asked a couple of others and they simply refused. Then you go and offer more help by taking me to my car. Why?" My son's reply, "It is in my nature."
Me-Nice! So sad isn't?

I texted someone I haven't spoken to in awhile:
Me-Hey, how's life?
Person-Great to hear from you. I have thought of you often but life gets busy. I know you are a busy person.
Me-I get it. But it takes a moment, like I have now to text you. So instead of making excuses, just save the bs and tell me how u been. Unless it is not a good time?
Person-This is what has been missing from my life! A dose of reality with a side of  love.

I am not going to unfriend someone because life is real. I do hope you have an investment with me also. Everyday? No.

It seems to me that we have forgotten what true kindness is.

So, I will not explain what it means to be nice or how we should treat people.

Instead, I want you guys to think about this question:

"What wolf do you feed?"

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

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