Wednesday, March 14, 2018

A Flat Tire and A Missed Opportunity.......

This is how my day started off. 😑

I must of hit something on the highway that ruptured my tire. I had to navigate to the nearest off ramp and get somewhere safe to change the tire. I pulled into a 7/11.

There are many people coming and going. One person asked me if they could help. I refused because I can do this.

Anyways, I only had one of those donut tires in the trunk. I had to get a real tire. Blah blah it all got done.

But as I was waiting for my new tire to be put on my rim, I started thinking.

Why did I refused the offer of help? Yes, I was capable. It wouldn't of hurt, been wrong, or anything I can think of by not accepting help except, that it was unkind of me.

I cannot stand on a soap box and say be kind to one another, if I am not being kind myself. Maybe that person needed to help someone, show kindness, or didn't give it any thought at all.

I just realized that sometimes we get so caught up in what we need or are doing, that we can't see someone else's needs. We might miss an opportunity to be kind, helpful, or just making the world a better place.

It is the small random acts of kindness that often go unnoticed by many, except to the one shown the kindness.

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

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