Sunday, March 11, 2018

TIME is not the excuse..........

It is Sunday Morning. I am the only one awake. It is raining outside. It is my day off, from work, and I am drinking a cup of coffee while relishing in this moment of solitude.

Except for my mind. A million thoughts run through mind. My daughter needs new shoes, one of my sons needs new pants, and of course, there is grocery shopping to be done. We can't live on leftovers, if there are none to be had, can we? Nope. New week, new meals to be made, more pt appts, work, homework, and the ending pile of laundry will occupy my time this week. The hour change today will make this day and week fly by.  

Now, my week seems daunting as ever. I am going to choose to watch the rain fall, sipping my coffee, with my headphones on, and just focus on this moment.

Whelp that lasted about 1 minute. Lol. Seriously. I started thinking about family, friends, work, and the shopping list that is brewing that will lead me to go out in this rain today. 

What if we could take an hour away from our life? Add it back when we wanted to?

What moments would you want to last an hour longer? An hour less?

I can think of many moments that I would an add an hour:
Family, Friendships Fun, and etc....

I can think of many that I would make an hour less:
Work, disagreements, struggles, etc......

We lose an hour today. An hour, that we gained 4 months ago. So did we really loose it?

We have 1 hour more of daylight for 8 months of the year. 4 months 1 less hour of daylight. So basically it is all the same. The sun still shines when we cannot see it, as does the moon.

Time really is what we make of it. Regardless if it is, Spring or Winter.

Now, thinking of adding an hour to those moments you just thought of and the ones you would take away,

What's stopping you?
Certainly Not TIME..........

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

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