Thursday, March 8, 2018

This is my whatEVA it takes...What's yours like????????

"WhatEVA It Takes"

This is sooo my life's Motto!!!  Is it yours?

I don't know if it is from my upbringing, environment, or just in my DNA but I 99% always do WhatEVA it takes to get the job, or goal done in my life.

For those that know, I go to physical therapy weekly. I sustained injuries from a car accident that I was in. It is painful to be forced to fix what is wrong but I do it. I do my home exercises. I have made adjustments at work. I am not focusing on the pain and inconvenience of it all, at all. I will do whatEVA it takes to get my body back to where I want it to be.

I work in a competitive environment. There is always someone younger or smarter than me. I know I am replaceable at work. I am still there doing what I do. I have an edge, ME. I am willing to do whatEVA it takes to get what I want.

I have four kids. Each with their own personality. Each learns and reacts differently. I do whatEVA it takes to ensure that they will, each be a moral kind human being that, knows whatEVA it takes to acheive their goals in life. They know what it takes to get the job done by my example and their own reflection in the mirror.

I have siblings. They know whatEVA it takes I have their back.

I have a few quality friends. They know whatEVA it takes I have their back.

WhatEVA it takes for me, is different from whatever it takes for you. We each have our own soul or inner being, that we answer when we look in the mirror. I have no issues with my reflection.

I say 99% because no one is perfect. We all make mistakes.

At the end of the day, whatEVA I did, I am pleased with myself. There are times when I reflect I should of done that or this instead might pop in my head. Key word here is, REFLECT. I do not dwell in the past and look to my next whatEVA it takes. I am constantly aware of my actions and the reactions of them. I am always striving to be a kinder human being. I thrive on thinking outside the box. I love a challenge. I will take a risk. It works for me.

It is my, whatEVA it takes.....What's yours like???????????????????????

Until Next Time
~It is what it is~

*I do not own the rights to this video or song

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