Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Having the last word, isn't everything....

When you start out with good intentions, the only way you can start the fire, is when someone gives you the match.

Person or situation, the end result is the same. We can only handle so much.

Sometimes, if we are the sane one, we can only watch those flames burn. Let the anger, unfairness, and feelings about the situation burn in that fire. Then, Move. The. Fuck. On.

People have their reasons for being who they are and it has nothing, nothing at all, to do with you.

You can't always change people or the situation you are in unless, you walk away.

Sorry, no hope that it is going to get better or try again from a different perspective.

Do not do what they would do. Just. Don't.

Do not let their perspective become yours.

Do not be afraid to burn that bridge.

After all, they are the ones that gave you the match in the first place.

Just make sure you burn the bridge in such a way, they won't even realize they are the one's who struck the match.

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

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