Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Cloudy 'n Grey

A work meeting led me on a road trip today. The day was cloudy and grey, much like the mood I was in. I did not sleep well at all the night before, which caused me to awaken in quite the cranky mood.

We have this saying at work, "leave it at the door before you walk into work." I did.

But I found myself on this drive. My mind raced with many thoughts while blasting the music.

I went to my meeting and back with the drive back to work.  Still cloudy and grey.

I never resolved my thoughts or my mood.

I did however come to this conclusion:

Some days are meant to be, just cloudy 'n grey and that is okay. That is why we have a nighttime.

A chance to put this day behind us, hopefully get a good night's rest, and start again tomorrow.

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~


Sunday, March 25, 2018


Hey, you, yes,you.

You do realize that you do not have to accept the situation that you are currently in, right?

When did you think this current life was your doing?
When did you think that it has to be this way?
How can you possibly believe this is for the best?

If you are brave enough to stay in this current situation, than give me ONE positive reason for staying.

Worried that it will be hard? No harder than what you are doing now.
Afraid of not getting support? You would get a lot more than the 0 amount you get now.

Sometimes, we start out living a life that we so desperately wanted, but things change. Situations change. People change. Life changes.

It is okay to say, "I am not doing this anymore."

Still waiting for your answer.

You are tired. Exhausted. Miserable.

Look around your circle. Do not be afraid to cut the negative ones out of it.
It will be hard, but it will be so worth it.

If you do not start taking care of yourself now, those that do depend on you, will never know:

How truly kind, loving, funny, sincere, and amazing you really are!!!!!

Come to think of it, I bet you forgot too.

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Having the last word, isn't everything....

When you start out with good intentions, the only way you can start the fire, is when someone gives you the match.

Person or situation, the end result is the same. We can only handle so much.

Sometimes, if we are the sane one, we can only watch those flames burn. Let the anger, unfairness, and feelings about the situation burn in that fire. Then, Move. The. Fuck. On.

People have their reasons for being who they are and it has nothing, nothing at all, to do with you.

You can't always change people or the situation you are in unless, you walk away.

Sorry, no hope that it is going to get better or try again from a different perspective.

Do not do what they would do. Just. Don't.

Do not let their perspective become yours.

Do not be afraid to burn that bridge.

After all, they are the ones that gave you the match in the first place.

Just make sure you burn the bridge in such a way, they won't even realize they are the one's who struck the match.

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

A Flat Tire and A Missed Opportunity.......

This is how my day started off. 😑

I must of hit something on the highway that ruptured my tire. I had to navigate to the nearest off ramp and get somewhere safe to change the tire. I pulled into a 7/11.

There are many people coming and going. One person asked me if they could help. I refused because I can do this.

Anyways, I only had one of those donut tires in the trunk. I had to get a real tire. Blah blah it all got done.

But as I was waiting for my new tire to be put on my rim, I started thinking.

Why did I refused the offer of help? Yes, I was capable. It wouldn't of hurt, been wrong, or anything I can think of by not accepting help except, that it was unkind of me.

I cannot stand on a soap box and say be kind to one another, if I am not being kind myself. Maybe that person needed to help someone, show kindness, or didn't give it any thought at all.

I just realized that sometimes we get so caught up in what we need or are doing, that we can't see someone else's needs. We might miss an opportunity to be kind, helpful, or just making the world a better place.

It is the small random acts of kindness that often go unnoticed by many, except to the one shown the kindness.

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

Sunday, March 11, 2018

TIME is not the excuse..........

It is Sunday Morning. I am the only one awake. It is raining outside. It is my day off, from work, and I am drinking a cup of coffee while relishing in this moment of solitude.

Except for my mind. A million thoughts run through mind. My daughter needs new shoes, one of my sons needs new pants, and of course, there is grocery shopping to be done. We can't live on leftovers, if there are none to be had, can we? Nope. New week, new meals to be made, more pt appts, work, homework, and the ending pile of laundry will occupy my time this week. The hour change today will make this day and week fly by.  

Now, my week seems daunting as ever. I am going to choose to watch the rain fall, sipping my coffee, with my headphones on, and just focus on this moment.

Whelp that lasted about 1 minute. Lol. Seriously. I started thinking about family, friends, work, and the shopping list that is brewing that will lead me to go out in this rain today. 

What if we could take an hour away from our life? Add it back when we wanted to?

What moments would you want to last an hour longer? An hour less?

I can think of many moments that I would an add an hour:
Family, Friendships Fun, and etc....

I can think of many that I would make an hour less:
Work, disagreements, struggles, etc......

We lose an hour today. An hour, that we gained 4 months ago. So did we really loose it?

We have 1 hour more of daylight for 8 months of the year. 4 months 1 less hour of daylight. So basically it is all the same. The sun still shines when we cannot see it, as does the moon.

Time really is what we make of it. Regardless if it is, Spring or Winter.

Now, thinking of adding an hour to those moments you just thought of and the ones you would take away,

What's stopping you?
Certainly Not TIME..........

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

Thursday, March 8, 2018

This is my whatEVA it takes...What's yours like????????

"WhatEVA It Takes"

This is sooo my life's Motto!!!  Is it yours?

I don't know if it is from my upbringing, environment, or just in my DNA but I 99% always do WhatEVA it takes to get the job, or goal done in my life.

For those that know, I go to physical therapy weekly. I sustained injuries from a car accident that I was in. It is painful to be forced to fix what is wrong but I do it. I do my home exercises. I have made adjustments at work. I am not focusing on the pain and inconvenience of it all, at all. I will do whatEVA it takes to get my body back to where I want it to be.

I work in a competitive environment. There is always someone younger or smarter than me. I know I am replaceable at work. I am still there doing what I do. I have an edge, ME. I am willing to do whatEVA it takes to get what I want.

I have four kids. Each with their own personality. Each learns and reacts differently. I do whatEVA it takes to ensure that they will, each be a moral kind human being that, knows whatEVA it takes to acheive their goals in life. They know what it takes to get the job done by my example and their own reflection in the mirror.

I have siblings. They know whatEVA it takes I have their back.

I have a few quality friends. They know whatEVA it takes I have their back.

WhatEVA it takes for me, is different from whatever it takes for you. We each have our own soul or inner being, that we answer when we look in the mirror. I have no issues with my reflection.

I say 99% because no one is perfect. We all make mistakes.

At the end of the day, whatEVA I did, I am pleased with myself. There are times when I reflect I should of done that or this instead might pop in my head. Key word here is, REFLECT. I do not dwell in the past and look to my next whatEVA it takes. I am constantly aware of my actions and the reactions of them. I am always striving to be a kinder human being. I thrive on thinking outside the box. I love a challenge. I will take a risk. It works for me.

It is my, whatEVA it takes.....What's yours like???????????????????????

Until Next Time
~It is what it is~

*I do not own the rights to this video or song

Thursday, March 1, 2018

We all have a wolf inside us....

Conversation with my son:

Me-How was work?
Him-Good. I helped out a customer today and they were so appreciative! He was in a wheel chair. I asked him if he needed help. He said Yes! My son helped him. He also walked him out the car and assisted him into his vehicle. The gentleman stated,"You were the only one who actually helped me today. I had asked a couple of others and they simply refused. Then you go and offer more help by taking me to my car. Why?" My son's reply, "It is in my nature."
Me-Nice! So sad isn't?

I texted someone I haven't spoken to in awhile:
Me-Hey, how's life?
Person-Great to hear from you. I have thought of you often but life gets busy. I know you are a busy person.
Me-I get it. But it takes a moment, like I have now to text you. So instead of making excuses, just save the bs and tell me how u been. Unless it is not a good time?
Person-This is what has been missing from my life! A dose of reality with a side of  love.

I am not going to unfriend someone because life is real. I do hope you have an investment with me also. Everyday? No.

It seems to me that we have forgotten what true kindness is.

So, I will not explain what it means to be nice or how we should treat people.

Instead, I want you guys to think about this question:

"What wolf do you feed?"

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~