Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Leave me standing in the STORM please!!!!

"From dark clouds we
get precious water...

From dark mines we
get valuable jewels...


From our darkest
trials comes our


Doesn't it just annoy you when your going through a tough time and someone says, "Look on the bright side, it will get better."  Blah blah blah

I think we need to be left to experience the trials of life that we go through.

We need to know what it is like to have nothing.

To be alone.

To have a broken heart.

To be betrayed.

Life does not come with any guarantees.  People leave us.  Nobody is perfect.

Simply stated,

"Life can suck."

And when it does, it is when we learn.  We learn who will stand by us, hold our hand, give us a hug and not lecture us. What choices we are willing to make or what we will go without.

It helps us to know what we need to get rid of in our lives and what to keep.

We know there will be a rainbow at the end but we need to experience the storm too.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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