Monday, February 20, 2017

2/20/2003..We will never forget 💜

The Station Night Club Fire 2003
West Warwick, RI

Tina Ayer was a childhood friend. I can remember playing hide n seek, waiting for the ice cream truck to come by, on one of those hot summer nights, and just playing like neighborhood kids do.

Jason Morton was a co-worker and friend. It was hard not to be Jason's friend. He was truly a nice guy. He was always happy, a hard worker and could make anyone laugh within seconds of meeting him.

It hardly seems like 14 years has in fact passed since that horrific night.

I know a lot of lives changed in that one night.

I  remember reading the obituaries and Jason's has always stayed with me. It was not surprising what I read. Jason was with Tom, his best friend, and they were inseparable:

The news is filled with extraordinary heroic deeds these days. I believe Jason and Tom, were your simple honest heroes, who did not think of themselves in that way.

They just did what was natural for them and gave a helping hand to those in need.

No, you, will never be forgotten.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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