Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Sail away.....

This song came on the radio and it was fitting for the moment.

Setting--I was out with my son running errands. He was driving. We were talking about his plans for his future.

He is very passionate about becoming a police officer. As we were discussing his decision, this song comes on the radio.

It is an amazing feeling to see your child's eyes fill with passion for a career.  I could not be more proud of him.

He gives me credit for my part in molding him. I see it as planting seeds along his life, to do with as he chooses.

I get nostalgic when I think of how quickly the years have passed. People tell you life goes by with a blink of an eye when you have kids but you don't believe it until it happens to you.

We think, as parents, that we know our kids inside and out. We do but I didn't see this coming when he was a child. I envisioned him being an artist of some type, just going along with life. As he grew, I saw the changes in him.

Did I imagine him taking on a role that, in today's world, is seen less heroic daily? No. I am proud of his convictions and his will to stand by them.

I will support his decision. I will worry. I know God has a plan for his life and it brings me comfort.

So, my young son, Sail away and be the best that you can be. Life if just beginning for you.

I will always be here for you, just going along with life, in a blink of an eye.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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