Monday, January 8, 2018

Be Badass......

We all have ideas of what we want to be when we grow up.  Teacher, Nurse, Doctor, Lawyer, Garbage Collector, Mechanic, Husband, Wife, Mom and etc. Sometimes, when we have to pick a career or what life we want, we are at a loss or go for the one with the most money.

I believe that we all have a purpose. A specific role to fill. Each just as important as another. We all need various types of careers in this world to make it run. Not one job is more important than another. 

Not. A. One. 

We need to listen to our Soul, Conscience, Gut, or whatever you believe it to be for you. That “Knowing” you get when you choose the right thing for you. I think when we find what our passion is and go with that, we become Badass.  

Think about it. We have a purpose. We know when we are doing what we are meant to do. “Things” just fall into place. Doors open. Doors Close. We get sent in the direction we are supposed to go. It is up to us to recognize it and follow it.

As a kid, no problem. As an adult, well, we tend to think We know everything about everything.  The adult, in us, realizes that the real world is a lot harder to make a living that we are passionate about.

Forget what we know. Take time to think about what we want. What we are willing to accept and not. We may have to do things we may not like, to get what we want. Be open to all the possibilities. Connect with our souls. Find out who we are really meant to be. Meditate, seek advice from someone who will tell you the truth(good and Bad), accept what your flaws are and develop them into strengths.

You can always tell the ones that are following their passion and purpose in life.

They are the ones that look like a,

True. Real. Badass.

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

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