Friday, January 5, 2018

I need a Playdate, Please..........

I went to Target today, to grab a few things that I needed. I took the time to look around. I found four emojicon stuffies on clearance. Score! We all loved the movie. I have four kids, perfect! I get the rest of my things and off I go. Kids liked them.

After dinner I see them on the couch and start playing with Jailbreak, High Five, and Poop. Yes. I said playing. Voices and all. I am in my own world having fun. One of my son's said to me, "Mom, stop, Please." Another son said, "Mom, give me my poop back, please. Now." That son didn't' even laugh at what he said!! Seriously?!!

In my defense, I might have been teasing him with Jailbreak, but I can't exactly remember because I was so disappointed that I had to stop playing. I mean, c'mon. I was makin jokes, being silly, and having fun. In that moment, when I was asked to stop, it was like I was the kid and my kids were acting like the parent.

I got over it. I also realized that, in the time that I was "playing", I was having fun. Something that I do not get to do often with my kids anymore. We used to play all the time. It seems like it was yesterday. We had hot wheels tracks set up all over the house. Mr. Potato Head's at the ready, Lego's, and so much more. I do play with my kids now but it is not the same as when they were little.

My oldest will be 21 in a few days. He is into video games, that I am not into. He has friends and a job now. As does the 19yrd old. I still have two other teens that do not have jobs but they have interests and friends.  We do all get together and play a board game once in awhile but it seems less and less these days.

I MISS PRETEND PLAYING!!!! LOL Maybe it is just me but it was FUN.

Why don't adults play like they did when they were kids? Why?

I think we should have Adult Kid Themed Playdates. Just think how much fun it would be to play as a kid now?? Play-Doh, hide n seek, hot wheels cars, and The Nerf Wars would be legendary!!!

I know they have adult coloring books and places where you can drink and play cards or board games now.

Society is definitely going in the right direction with this idea.

We need to keep going though. We need to keep having playdates as we grow into adulthood.

Nap times.
Snack times too.

Until Next time,
~It is what it is~

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