Sunday, September 24, 2017



It started by a person wanting to bring light to an issue. 

I had to ask myself, if by kneeling to a Flag that represents the country in which I live, would it make a difference?

I googled, "What changes have been made with #takeaknee"

I believe it has. It has created division among Americans.

One person decided not to stand up and pledge his allegiance to the Flag of His Country, in which He lives and works in.

I am not sure what he is doing, other than kneeling, to make a change. I don't even know why he thought kneeling, on the job, would be a good idea in the first place. He had to of known the Media would go crazy with it. He must of known it would have some negative impact. I still do not know how this protest will change the way people are being treated off the NFL field.

What I do know is, that by this man kneeling, it has only caused more division. It has changed the American game of football.

An American pastime, that most of us played in our yards as kids, that the majority of Americans love to watch. Now has unneeded attention, that has catapulted into a political hot mess! The question being asked is, "Do you side with the kneel or standing?"

We are a Country in need of Peace not more division. This is not bringing Americans together. This is not bringing Police Officer's and American's together.

We all need to take these words more seriously and as they were meant to be heard.

" I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."


Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

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