Sunday, May 7, 2017

What are you tied to????

Read that again. Is true for you?

We can get our happiness dependent on things rather than goals.  We can allow our goals to fall by the wayside because we get attached to things or people.

Workwise, we can get attached to people rather than the job itself. The harm in doing this, is we lose sight of what we actually want from the job, and end up caring about feelings instead of our initial goal/our self.

You may think you can keep it separate, right?  Not likely. When we end up caught up in the feels, we tend to form allies with people instead of aligning with our goals. The goal of becoming more than what we initially start out as, now becomes a comfort of where we are, with the people who comfort us. We then start to think like them. If they do not have the same goals as us, we become less than what we are and more like them.  Then they can get the feeling of betrayal, when we snap out of what we are doing and try to refocus on our original goal. We can become friendly with our coworkers but do not let the friendship derail our goals. We don't have to be mean, distant, or superior than others.  We need to realize that we are there for a purpose and not let the location, people, or the work itself, distract us from who we are and what we want to be.

Relationship wise, we can get so attached or infatuated with someone, we can get lost to who we are with who they are. This happens with lovers and friends. We can become a follower without realizing it.  We just go with the flow and excitement of being part of something bigger than us, we forget who we are. We end up doing things that we wouldn't normally do. I call this phase of life, "The party train ride". We follow along and it is all fun and games until we get derailed. Oh, we will get derailed, no doubt. Life has a way of showing us what we are doing when we aren't supposed to be doing it.  It is up to us to recognize the signs before we get derailed. It is okay to try new things, experience life from a new perspective, and grow.  Keeping our own identity in any relationship is a necessity. Feelings are normal, just be sure what you feel will continue to allow you to be you.

Happiness is.... 

Not who you are with.

Not on your surroundings.

Not what you are doing.

Real happiness depends on you.

Your love of people.

What you fill your life with.

Happiness is inside of you, not what you are tied to.


Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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