Monday, May 29, 2017

Don't Go......

I had to travel for work this week. One of my adult sons had sent me this text after I told him that I would be going, while sitting next to me!!

It was a bittersweet moment for me.

He is starting his adult life this summer and will soon be leaving me.

I am the one who wants to scream DON'T GO!!!

I have been preparing him for this moment his whole life.

I am torn. I cannot wait to see what kind of Man he will become. I want him to have life changing experiences. I want him to have adventures. I want him to have a full life.

But it only seems like yesterday, that I held him for the first time. I can remember his little arms giving me the biggest hugs. The excitement of seeing something for the first time.  I am dumbfounded how quickly 18 years has gone by.

I enjoy the adult chats we now have, as much as I did reading to him when he was 5.

I went through the same thing with my first child. No, it doesn't get any easier.

We close one chapter of our lives to start a new one. We were actually talking about this the day of his graduation.

Each chapter changes us and that is how we grow up. We are constantly learning.

If we are one of the fortune ones, we will always have those that truly love us around us and...

We will neva have to say, "Don't Go".

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

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