Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Buckle up, you're gonna need something.....

Difficult roads are the freaking worst!!! You set out to obtain something only to find out that it is way more involved than you ever thought possible.

For every struggle we overcome, we think we are able to handle anything else that may come our way....until the road takes us up another hill.

There are days when we want to throw in the towel and just say, "I am Done."

Done. Done. Done. We will accept the blame for it all. Play the pity card but not let anyone know.

I suppose we could move and assume a new life. Start fresh. Leave it all behind. Or is that considered "Running Away"?

I kinda like that thought. Pick who we want to run away with. Where we want to live. Do what we want, when we want. No "Difficult Roads" to travel. Period. Eva!!!

What? Looking for the words of inspiration here? Looking for the dark days will end speech? The roads are challenging, that is why they are difficult but you will overcome attitude?

Nope. We all have to deal with the difficult roads and follow them to where they lead us.

We need to travel the roads we must. We deal with them as we do. The outcome is part of our life.

My thoughts are pretty simple. Life isn't fair. There will be difficult roads to travel. People will disappoint you. You will not be able to trust anyone.

These difficult roads will show you who is real, worth it, how regrets are made, what dark days are made of, and how strong you really can be.

Difficult Roads are just a part of life. Suck it up, buttercup and be sure to.......

...........Buckle up, you're gonna need something to hold on to. 

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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