Thursday, April 27, 2017

It's the bottm of the the 3rd, with...........

I was scrolling along and this popped up in my news feed on Facebook. Life can certainly make us feel like we are New England and Life is Atlanta. The good news is, New England won!!! Sorry, just had too. (Total New England Fan here)

Life is filled with Time.  We can get so filled with doubt, worry, and other negative emotions, that we do not see that this is only for a short time. Time is always on your side. Good or Bad.  It is up to us to utilize the time we have.

I have had car issues. I had to wait until I could get it to the mechanics on my day off.  I could only drive my vehicle 20 miles an hour. So there I was creeping along. Before I knew it, there was a line behind me. I put my hazards on. A couple of cars sped around me. Can you remember the last time you drove 20 miles an hour? This little trip turned into a journey for me

There I was, going ever so slowly, I started noticing how green everything was getting. I could see kids playing outside in their yards. Then I saw the dreaded stop sign. Meaning I would have to stop. The car would not always go again after I stop. Here come the nerves, doubt and worry. I stop. The car gets going again. I can breathe again. Then it hits me!

I needed to do this little road trip for me. As much as I hate having to depend on others, I had no choice. I can be too much of an independent sort. I am a doer and a giver not a receiver. It stresses me out when I have to rely on others. I have been finagling this and that, that I have not been enjoy my time.

You see, whether we are in a good or bad cycle of life, we have time. How we choose to spend that time, is totally up to us. We can focus on the bad with worry and doubt or we can go through our time, enjoying what is around us. The end result is the going to be the same, regardless how we spend our time.

Letting go and just being, was what I needed to remind me that I was missing out on Life. Good or Bad, it is my time.

So I ask you this, "It is the bottom of the 3rd quarter, your down 25 points, and only have 2 minutes in this round, with one more quarter left, what are you going to do with your Time?"

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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