Monday, May 15, 2017

Eventually, Everything comes to light.......

Misery loves company. Some people don't get what they want and feel that those that (they think)  are beneath them, should be miserable too. They can appear to be smart, funny, and oh so ever charming, that they suck you right in. They will act like your friend and pretend to be on your side. Next thing you know they are your bff and life is great, until it isn't.

What you don't know or choose to ignore the little red flags, is that they are already making your life miserable. You can try to confront them but it won't work. You can only tell them what they want to hear, they won't believe anything else anyways. They will give you some sob story about their life and try to make you feel like your the wrong one, not them.

Bottom line, people like that, do not know how to be a friend to anyone. They chose a long time ago to be a miserable person.  So, say what you have to say. Lie if you have to. Give them what they want to hear. You know they are repeating what you are saying anyways. Do what you have to do to make them go away.

Most important thing to remember is that, they chose you because they are jealous of who you are and what you have.

Do not play with them. You will not change them. You. Will. Not. Change. Them.

You will lose each and every time.

Time will catch up to them.

Leave it in the Dark where it belongs, for now.

Eventually, Everything comes to light.....

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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