Saturday, June 3, 2017

What is your number?????

The past couple of days, each time I looked at the time, these were the times glaring back at me.


You guys know by now, I don't believe in coincidences. Way too many things have happened in my life for me to believe otherwise.

I looked them up. There is a story for someone. This is what I think it means:

The attempt to block your heart from feeling anything or everything, is not working. You are blocking your soul from being free. It is easy to do. Hearts can be so fragile and keep memories for a very long, long time. Especially, the ones we want to forget.

You can't simply block feelings or stop yourself from having them. What you are doing is living in denial and that, is slowly burying your Soul.

Whatever you call it, Soul, inner voice, your gut...etc... It does exist.

You cannot be you, unless you are free to be free. Think about your judgments. How clear are you? Make any bad decisions?

Hearts break, expectations are painful, and feelings get hurt.  That is life. You are only stopping yourself from living it.

So just start living it. Get your heart broken, take the risk, and drop the expectations. Just allow yourself to feel every experience and everything that this life has to offer you. Chase the dream. Follow your heart and quiet your mind.

Simple. Not easy, but yes, very simple!

How can you get wise with wisdom if you do not allow yourself to feel and live life?

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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