Friday, February 24, 2017

It is YOU and it will always be YOU.......

The mind is a very powerful thing.

It can give you all the courage you need to be everything that you can imagine becoming.

It can take away that same courage and have you believing that you can't be anything at all.

Yes, the mind is that powerful.

You can choose to believe that You hold your own destiny and power within you or choose to believe that you don't.  It really is up to you and only you.

Look at your life now, everything in it is a direct result of how you think of yourself and what you think you deserve in life. It is easy to become dependent upon the adoration and accolades of others to boost our own self-image and confidence. But, it is really what we believe in our self, that will carry us through everything and all that our life brings to us. What you have accepted your life to be.  Who you have accepted to become.

Honesty is the best gift you could possibly give yourself. Tough pill to swallow but sometimes it is needed in order to keep moving forward. Nobody likes to think of themselves as being less than perfect, but a reality check once in awhile can go along way.

We are meant to change and evolve with life.

We are meant to do certain things until that changes and we do other things.

We are meant to be with certain people in our life. Some come n go, while others remain.

Our opinion of ourselves needs to remain positive and strong, always.

It is really the only one of true value.

It is the one that can make us or break us.......

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

Monday, February 20, 2017

2/20/2003..We will never forget 💜

The Station Night Club Fire 2003
West Warwick, RI

Tina Ayer was a childhood friend. I can remember playing hide n seek, waiting for the ice cream truck to come by, on one of those hot summer nights, and just playing like neighborhood kids do.

Jason Morton was a co-worker and friend. It was hard not to be Jason's friend. He was truly a nice guy. He was always happy, a hard worker and could make anyone laugh within seconds of meeting him.

It hardly seems like 14 years has in fact passed since that horrific night.

I know a lot of lives changed in that one night.

I  remember reading the obituaries and Jason's has always stayed with me. It was not surprising what I read. Jason was with Tom, his best friend, and they were inseparable:

The news is filled with extraordinary heroic deeds these days. I believe Jason and Tom, were your simple honest heroes, who did not think of themselves in that way.

They just did what was natural for them and gave a helping hand to those in need.

No, you, will never be forgotten.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Sail away.....

This song came on the radio and it was fitting for the moment.

Setting--I was out with my son running errands. He was driving. We were talking about his plans for his future.

He is very passionate about becoming a police officer. As we were discussing his decision, this song comes on the radio.

It is an amazing feeling to see your child's eyes fill with passion for a career.  I could not be more proud of him.

He gives me credit for my part in molding him. I see it as planting seeds along his life, to do with as he chooses.

I get nostalgic when I think of how quickly the years have passed. People tell you life goes by with a blink of an eye when you have kids but you don't believe it until it happens to you.

We think, as parents, that we know our kids inside and out. We do but I didn't see this coming when he was a child. I envisioned him being an artist of some type, just going along with life. As he grew, I saw the changes in him.

Did I imagine him taking on a role that, in today's world, is seen less heroic daily? No. I am proud of his convictions and his will to stand by them.

I will support his decision. I will worry. I know God has a plan for his life and it brings me comfort.

So, my young son, Sail away and be the best that you can be. Life if just beginning for you.

I will always be here for you, just going along with life, in a blink of an eye.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Leave me standing in the STORM please!!!!

"From dark clouds we
get precious water...

From dark mines we
get valuable jewels...


From our darkest
trials comes our


Doesn't it just annoy you when your going through a tough time and someone says, "Look on the bright side, it will get better."  Blah blah blah

I think we need to be left to experience the trials of life that we go through.

We need to know what it is like to have nothing.

To be alone.

To have a broken heart.

To be betrayed.

Life does not come with any guarantees.  People leave us.  Nobody is perfect.

Simply stated,

"Life can suck."

And when it does, it is when we learn.  We learn who will stand by us, hold our hand, give us a hug and not lecture us. What choices we are willing to make or what we will go without.

It helps us to know what we need to get rid of in our lives and what to keep.

We know there will be a rainbow at the end but we need to experience the storm too.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

Thursday, February 9, 2017

It was in fact my FATE.....

Part of being who we are, is learning how to navigate the life we are given. Making choices, or having choices made for us, that may take us to a place we hadn't imagined we could go. Let alone stay there indefinitely.

When we go through something traumatic, we go on auto-pilot and become a different person completely. Forgetting who we truly are.

If you do not stand up and fight, you will lose yourself forever.

There comes a moment when you have to make a choice. This current you is not working anymore. More importantly, the real you is struggling to be free. It wants to live and be happy again. It is why you are torn inside. It is the voice you are trying to suffocate. Running away will only satisfy the scared you for a short time.

What do you really have to lose here?

Wouldn't it be nice to have a quiet mind? To survive the day without rethinking each and every thought you have? The anger will be gone. The short fuse. The numbness. Wouldn't it be nice to finally be free to feel again without being terrified at the same time? What about love? Wouldn't it be nice to fall in love and believe you are good enough to be loved?

Embarrassment. Foolishness. Risks. Lies. Depravity. Utter Darkness. Lost. Used.
Pain. Shame. Fear.

Are just words you are using as an excuse to convince yourself you are not worth it. The real reason you don't want to let go, is because, you don't know how to live any other way.

That is simply not true.

We learn how to lie to ourselves to justify who we have become.

Read that sentence again.

Now deny it. You can't, can you?

I am telling you what I know. I have been through things no human should of had to suffer through, but I did.

All of it, made me who I am today. I decided to let go. I decided to no longer live in a prison that I built. I decided I was worth fighting for.

Now it's your turn.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~