Monday, December 12, 2016

I will breathe......

Ever have one of those days where its just....A Monday.......?

So much can go on in one day that it becomes overwhelming. Leaving you no choice but to just breathe through it.

Many of us wear many hats throughout the day. We are the employee, go to person, friend, teacher, coach, wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, mom, dad, us as a person and the list goes on n' on........

On these type of days we may get through it with one breath at a time. We will stop and clear our minds. We will refocus. We will dig down deeper for strength. 

We are not quitters. We are not dreamers. We are realists and will get the job done.

When the day is done, we get to relax and wash away the day. Knowing that we have survived it.

Knowing that whatever comes at us we will deal with it, if we just take a moment to remind ourselves:

That anything is possible if we just stop and


Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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