Monday, December 5, 2016

One day it won't..........

Kell and I are sick chillin on the couch today. She is watching Netflix and I am on the laptop scrolling through Pinterest.  Kell looks over and points to this quote and states that is how she feels about her scoliosis.

It's easy to give her positive support. Help her accept her role in this life. Yes, role. It is not a disability. It is a disfigurement of her spine, not a limitation of what she can do or who she can become. Then she says something like this today.

I realize no matter how much I say, my words will fall short until she comes into her own terms of acceptance of herself, not mine.

Life is all about accepting ones role in it. We need to figure out how we fit in. What we can contribute to life. Something I struggle with constantly.

I know what my role is but sometimes I don't want it.  And when I turn away from it, I become something I don't like. I am not truly happy with myself because I am not doing what I am meant to do. Life doesn't stop putting me in situations to show me, no matter how hard I turn away from it, it will always be there.  Kinda, run all you want, I am going no where and you will not be happy until you pick it up again. Yes, I do pick it up again.

Kell also told me that she looked up scoliosis quotes on her ipad.  She memorized and loves this one:

"Courage doesn't always roar,
Courage can be the voice at the end of the day saying,
I will try again tomorrow."

I take no credit for her. I often question why God gave her to me. She is amazing and graceful in ways that I will never be. I am learning from her, daily.

We will continue on and know that one day, it won't bother us any more.......

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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