Tuesday, December 20, 2016

We are all One.....

Really let the words sink in. We are all human. We all require the same basic things in order to survive.  So what separates us then?  Our Ego's for starters.

Ego--egotism; conceit; self-importance:

When you allow your ego to become bigger than who you are, it changes your way of thinking. You start thinking that you are better than those around you. You are the best. You can do anything. Humility is what you need. Is what will keep us together. We all have talents. Things we excel in. Things that make us, well, us. Does that make you any better than us? No. We are all meant to do what we do. That doesn't give you the right to believe that your talent makes you better than anyone else. Be humble with your talent. Talents were meant to bring people together not separate us.

Beliefs--confidence; faith; trust:

I believe in God. I believe in me. I believe in Fate. I believe in Connections. I trust people. I do not expect you to believe in what I do. We can be friends and have different beliefs. It brings variety into our lives. Embracing different beliefs should teach us respect not separation from others.

Fear--something that causes feelings of dread or apprehension.

Fear of each other is what we feel when we allow our ego's and belief's come between us. We become more isolated or just spend time with those we agree with. How is that living?

So I ask you, Why do we allow our belief's to become so black n white that we cannot even begin to think that we could come to a compromise? Why do we allow our Ego's to take over?

What happened to "Good will towards Men" or "Peace on Earth"?

During one of my mentoring sessions my mentor said to me, "You do not know just how good you really are. You are going to make a difference." I believe I am very good at what I do. I will never think that I am the best. I have gained and lost many things in my lifetime, but I am humble enough to know that only I can do so much and without others, I am nothing.

It is through making a lot of mistakes, losing people, (that I love) and getting knocked down, that I learned how to be humble. I can't change the past but moving forward I can be a better person.

I have learned that in order to find peace or good will towards men, we first must be able to let go of our ego's, letting go of the belief that only our personal belief's are right and not to be afraid of accepting others for who they actually are.

I wish you Peace and Good Will To All.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~


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