Saturday, July 28, 2018

Separating what I've done........

Check-in time again......Your new path, in dealing with, your living illusions free version of life?

"Living with these shadows, Separating what I've done."

The past, is just that, The Past. Take the bad as lessons learned. Things you would never do again lessons. It will always be there, Always. You cannot run from it or even forget about it. Let that shit shape you into who you do not want to ever be again. Unless...there are parts that you want to keep.

"Too many people with their hands on. None of which I gave a shit about anyway."

The Good things from the past. It wasn't all bad. You can look back now. See the people in your life who are real (KEEP THOSE PEEPS) and the fake ones (DROP IMMEDIATELY! YES, NOW).

"Stripping Down and Bracing for a Change."

Keep the parts about you that are real and like. No point in being sarcastic, if you do like it. Quiet voice? There are times to NOT speak up and times when you ABSOLUTELY need to. Compassion is good, just draw the line when it turns into them taking more than what you are getting in return. Do not let any relationship, be one that only drains you. Yes, there will be times when you give more than you get BUT it should only be "times". There will also be times you take more than you give. Balance of who you are, who they are, and what you both do to enhance each other. Continually Growing.

"Shedding all my skin to start again."

Remember that. Change is hard. There will be times of, 10 feet forward and 20 feet back moments. Go easy on yourself. You cannot forgive others if you do not FORGIVE YOURSELF first.

"Someday I'll begin to live my life."

You are getting there. Patience, drive, and the memory of what was, will carry you to be who you truly desire to be. Don't give up. Ever...…..

"At Least I'm Breathing"

And you are...……

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

*I do not own the rights to this video or song lyrics*

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