Wednesday, July 11, 2018

A dose of reality. . ..

Reality Sucks. It is that plain and simple but also so much more complicated than that.

Living with no illusions or misconceptions about your life, can be a harsh dose of reality.

The moment you understand the "image" of the world you were in, brought you to the illusion in the first place, leaves you feeling so alone.

So what now?

Choices have to be made. Realities accepted.

Can you live in the same environment without slipping back?

Some yes. Some no.

Stuck in a career that you do not love but need the financial stability? Set goals to change that. Time and planning will change that.

Realize some of the people in your circle are in it only for themselves? End it. Why feel guilty about it? If they do not show you that they are there for you, why are they in your circle? Some people are enablers, some only want what you can provide for them while others, simply enjoy being in your presence. You know the difference.

Surround yourself with things, people, and an environment that will make you thrive in a positive way.

The environment you create is the place you will live.

So, what does your environment create?

An illusion or a reality?

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

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