Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Hey, don't I know you???

Do you agree with this statement?

Do you think that we are predestined to meet certain people throughout our lives?

Ever have someone come into your life at a time when you are going through turmoil? You have no idea how you will manage to make it and this person has given you the ability to survive it and move on.

What about when things are good? They show up and the next thing you realize is you have grown as a person or your life is so much fuller.

Those odd moments when a complete stranger says something that has a profound affect on you?

Maybe even those friends that can offer a view of life from a different perspective?

It is easy to walk through this life being closed off to those not in your immediate circle. Only trusting in the select few. Only sharing your story to those that you deem worthy.

Imagine how much you are missing out by not accepting the fact that maybe the person who keeps popping up in your life, out of nowhere or even a friend you think has all the answers, just may actually have the piece to your past, present, or future.

And sometimes it is exactly what we need, when we need it. Even if we don't know it, yet.

What if you are that someone to somebody???

Until next time,
~It is what it is~


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