Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Random Acts of Kindness....

Yes, this is my fridge. I opened the fridge this morning and saw the coffee syrup hanging off the edge, of the shelf, just a bit. One of my kids no doubt.

This silly little thing gave me pause. How often do we do something and never give it any more thought?

No regard to our careless act. We mean no harm. We just didn't give any thought to our actions.

Today I will do my best to give thought in all of my actions.

Maybe, just maybe, if we all did this, then today's society will only know kindness.

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Separating what I've done........

Check-in time again......Your new path, in dealing with, your living illusions free version of life?

"Living with these shadows, Separating what I've done."

The past, is just that, The Past. Take the bad as lessons learned. Things you would never do again lessons. It will always be there, Always. You cannot run from it or even forget about it. Let that shit shape you into who you do not want to ever be again. Unless...there are parts that you want to keep.

"Too many people with their hands on. None of which I gave a shit about anyway."

The Good things from the past. It wasn't all bad. You can look back now. See the people in your life who are real (KEEP THOSE PEEPS) and the fake ones (DROP IMMEDIATELY! YES, NOW).

"Stripping Down and Bracing for a Change."

Keep the parts about you that are real and like. No point in being sarcastic, if you do like it. Quiet voice? There are times to NOT speak up and times when you ABSOLUTELY need to. Compassion is good, just draw the line when it turns into them taking more than what you are getting in return. Do not let any relationship, be one that only drains you. Yes, there will be times when you give more than you get BUT it should only be "times". There will also be times you take more than you give. Balance of who you are, who they are, and what you both do to enhance each other. Continually Growing.

"Shedding all my skin to start again."

Remember that. Change is hard. There will be times of, 10 feet forward and 20 feet back moments. Go easy on yourself. You cannot forgive others if you do not FORGIVE YOURSELF first.

"Someday I'll begin to live my life."

You are getting there. Patience, drive, and the memory of what was, will carry you to be who you truly desire to be. Don't give up. Ever...…..

"At Least I'm Breathing"

And you are...……

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~


*I do not own the rights to this video or song lyrics*

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

At Least I know I'm not alone......

It comes and goes in waves
It always runs back but it's never quite the same
Well I think there's something wrong with me
Got nothing to believe, can't you see it on my face.

I was going for the title, got hit by your tidal wave, uh
Can't stay in the shallows, please tell me I won't wash away

When it pulls me under, will you make me stronger
Will you be my breath through the deep, deep water
Take me farther, give me one day longer
Will you be my breath through the deep, deep water

(Deep water)
(Deep water)

Ain't even scratched the surface
Thinking I deserve the dream but I don't deserve the hurting

I want the flame without the burning

But I can't find my purpose when I don't know what my worth is

I was going for the title, got hit by your tidal wave, uh
Can't stay in the shallows, please tell me I won't wash away

When it pulls me under, will you make me stronger
Will you be my breath through the deep, deep water
Take me farther, give me one day longer
Will you be my breath through the deep, deep water
(Deep water)
(Deep water)

When I'm sinking like a stone
At least I know I'm not alone
When I'm sinking like a stone
At least I know I'm not alone

When it pulls me under, will you make me stronger
Will you be my breath through the deep, deep water
Take me farther, give me one day longer
Will you be my breath through the deep, deep water

(Deep water)
(Deep water)

When I'm sinking like a stone
At least I know I'm not alone

It comes and goes in waves
It always runs back but it's never quite the same 

Life's road is not always a smooth one. Rather it can be filled with twists, turns, hills, road blocks, and detours. This may seem unfair. Life can be unexplainable at times.

Sometimes, even the road washes away, completely.

Difficult times will define you. Allow the experience to direct you.

In order to truly understand who we are, sometimes we have to experience being in deep waters.

You are not alone.

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~


*I do not own the rights to this video or song lyrics*

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Hey, don't I know you???

Do you agree with this statement?

Do you think that we are predestined to meet certain people throughout our lives?

Ever have someone come into your life at a time when you are going through turmoil? You have no idea how you will manage to make it and this person has given you the ability to survive it and move on.

What about when things are good? They show up and the next thing you realize is you have grown as a person or your life is so much fuller.

Those odd moments when a complete stranger says something that has a profound affect on you?

Maybe even those friends that can offer a view of life from a different perspective?

It is easy to walk through this life being closed off to those not in your immediate circle. Only trusting in the select few. Only sharing your story to those that you deem worthy.

Imagine how much you are missing out by not accepting the fact that maybe the person who keeps popping up in your life, out of nowhere or even a friend you think has all the answers, just may actually have the piece to your past, present, or future.

And sometimes it is exactly what we need, when we need it. Even if we don't know it, yet.

What if you are that someone to somebody???

Until next time,
~It is what it is~


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

But you're not special........

"If you take it down a notch and you let me explain"

You have decided to live in the reality of the life that you have created. You are accepting the environment that you are in and hopefully ridding yourself of the illusions that no longer serve you.
You are working on you, making goals and crushing them. Except that you found out,

 "you're not special"

That there will be no "15 minutes" of fame for you. That there is so much you want to accomplish and you want it all now. You feel you deserve it after all that you have been through.

"I'm not trying to bring you down
I'm not trying to sound so ineffectual"

We all, have fought in our own wars. We all, have had hard times. We all, have been hurt so badly. You see, you are not the only one who has had it bad, or even the worst of times.  The last time I checked, Life can suck, just as much as it can be perfect. Why do YOU think that makes you any different from her, him, them, or even me? Wanna compare scars?  Why?

"You see life's too short to run it like a race
So it's never gonna matter if you win first place"

Instead of believing that you deserve fame(for whateva reasons)why not just focus on making your life better? Take each moment for what it is. Do the best with what you have been dealt. Stop self medicating. Face it, deal with it, and move on. Turn to people you know that will give you, an ear to listen, a shoulder to lean on, a hug for comfort, and a kick in the ass when needed. 

"Hurry up before you go and get old
Hurry up before your blood runs cold
None of us were ever meant to stay
We're all gonna find out one day"

The sooner you make the best of your situation, the sooner you will realize,

"That on this earth we are all the same"

What are you waiting for?

Until Next Time,
~It Is What It Is~

*I do not own the rights to this song or video

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

A dose of reality. . ..

Reality Sucks. It is that plain and simple but also so much more complicated than that.

Living with no illusions or misconceptions about your life, can be a harsh dose of reality.

The moment you understand the "image" of the world you were in, brought you to the illusion in the first place, leaves you feeling so alone.

So what now?

Choices have to be made. Realities accepted.

Can you live in the same environment without slipping back?

Some yes. Some no.

Stuck in a career that you do not love but need the financial stability? Set goals to change that. Time and planning will change that.

Realize some of the people in your circle are in it only for themselves? End it. Why feel guilty about it? If they do not show you that they are there for you, why are they in your circle? Some people are enablers, some only want what you can provide for them while others, simply enjoy being in your presence. You know the difference.

Surround yourself with things, people, and an environment that will make you thrive in a positive way.

The environment you create is the place you will live.

So, what does your environment create?

An illusion or a reality?

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~


Thursday, July 5, 2018

Just Unplug.....

I realized today, that it has been at least 7 months since my last vacation from work. 7 months!!!

I have had a rough 7 months. This past month has been a true struggle for me.

I couldn't for the life of me figure out why I felt "off" all the time. A friend even asked me, "Ah what's going on with you?"

I haven't been blogging like I normally do.

It is because I haven't tuned out work and all the other things that I have going on, all the time. I have constantly been on the go. Constantly. 

I need to disconnect this week. It will be a week filled with family,friends, and the beach.

I am drained. Time to refuel by doing the things that make me feel like me.

Point of me telling you guys this?

Don't be like me. Stop yourself from becoming burnt out, now.

Disconnect for a day or a moment.

Just Unplug from what is draining you.

Yes, right now!

Until next time,
~It is what it is~